Investor relations
Investor relations means attracting investors and retaining them in the long term. Be more successful in the competition for investor funds with our help.

Helping you to find and retain investors
We use incisive information to tell shareholders and investors an authentic equity story. This is the best foundation on which to build a strong relationship of trust between management and shareholders. We help you to lay this foundation. To do this, we devote our full attention to the company itself, its image and its products.
In our eyes, investor relations doesn't mean high flights of rhetoric about a company to maximise its share price. It means creating the company's own form of advertising in a clever, well-balanced and measured way. We can help you to optimise the information you share with the market.
We have a lot to offer you in terms of investor relations:
- Establishing and maintaining contact with banks, investors and analysts
- Assisting the company with capital market conferences
- Market, peer group and perception analyses
- Organising and helping with press conferences, capital market days, road shows, one-on-one meetings and annual general meetings
- Editing management board speeches and shareholder letters