Talent makes all the difference –
a good team breeds success

We assign you a dedicated contact person right from the start, who will be there to help with any challenges you may have. As and where required, we bring in additional experts from the CROSS ALLIANCE team or from our extensive network of external professionals >. This approach is not just how our agency derives its name; it also provides the right level of support for each individual communication strategy measure. Whatever you're planning, we will be there every step of the way on your journey to success.

Our team

cross alliance team susan hoffmeister

Susan Hoffmeister

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Sven Pauly

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Sara Pinto CROSS ALLIANCE 2022

Sara Pinto

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cross alliance team michael lang

Michael Lang

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Götz Schlegtendal

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Michael Knecht

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cross alliance team markus horntrich

Markus Horntrich

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Irmi Aigner

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Sven Jagusch

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Alexandra Hachenberg

Alexandra Hachenberg

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It's good to know that all your financial communication is in the right hands

CROSS ALLIANCE takes on this task. We see ourselves as a part of your company and will not recommend taking any action we wouldn't take ourselves. Every member of our team is a consummate professional who will not only give you their expertise, but their blood, sweat and tears as well. You'll see what we mean when you get to know us >

cross alliance agency
About us

We have been supporting and advising prominent corporations and medium-sized, family-run companies since 2011, helping them establish and maintain investor relations and media relations, and with their financial reporting and capital market transactions.

You are in safe hands with CROSS ALLIANCE because we have a deep understanding of the communication needs and information requirements of investors, analysts, and financial and business journalists. We combine your equity story with your financial ratios to produce integrated financial communications – to make your message heard on the capital market – ensuring that your company receives an appropriate valuation and a fair reception.

Good reasons

Areas of expertise


Investor relations

CROSS ALLIANCE | Media Relations

Media relations

CROSS ALLIANCE | Financial reporting

Financial reporting


Capital markets

cross alliance media training teaser

Media training

CROSS ALLIANCE | Sustainability


Alexandra Hachenberg,
Senior Consultant

“Satisfied customers are my motivation. For me, service is more than just a promise!”

Alexandra Hachenberg joined the CROSS ALLIANCE team in January 2025. Prior to that, she worked for more than 16 years in a responsible position and as a project manager in consulting, organization, and planning before, during, and after annual general meetings. She also has many years of experience in publication management, particularly for listed companies.

Since 2025 Senior Consultant at CROSS ALLIANCE

2007 – 2023 at Better Orange IR & HV AG, most recently as Senior Consultant specialising in general meetings

Many years of experience in project and publication management and editing

Sven Jagusch,
Senior Consultant

"Progress, in the interests of the client and the agency, comes first."

Sven Jagusch has been part of CROSS ALLIANCE since the beginning of 2024. Previously, he was responsible as editor for the weekly stock market publications “Die Vorstandswoche” and the “Nebenwerte-Journal Extra” of the financial publisher Nebenwerte Nachrichten AG. Before that, Sven Jagusch helped build up an innovation and digitalisation service provider. In particular through the management and implementation of customer projects in various industries.
Since 2024 Senior Investor Relations Consultant at CROSS ALLIANCE (Munich)

2021 to 2023 Editor of Nebenwerte Nachrichten AG (Frankfurt/Munich)

2016 to 2021 Business Development and Digital Innovation Consultant at OMM Solutions (Stuttgart)

Sven Jagusch is a graduate economist (Master’s degree)

Irmi Aigner,
Senior Consultant

"Authentic, credible and comprehensible - that's how corporate communication should be!"

As an investor relations expert with many years of experience at listed companies, Irmi Aigner is particularly keen to support her clients in establishing and expanding authentic communication.

Business administration graduate
12 years at Sky Deutschland (formerly Premiere AG), most recently as Head of Investor Relations
5 years as Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Communications, FinTech company
Many years of experience in finance & accounting and auditing (PwC)
IPO experience

Dr. Götz Schlegtendal, Managing Partner

"Communication is a matter of trust - in the message, the recipient and the collaboration."

Dr. Götz Schlegtendal, who holds a doctorate in economics, advises and supports companies so that they can build up a reputation on the capital market and generate value.

Managing Partner at CROSS ALLIANCE since 2023.

From 2019 to 2023, Götz Schlegtendal was responsible for capital market communications and sustainability as well as corporate communications projects at Instinctif Germany’s Munich office. As a partner, he supported listed and non-listed companies in the areas of financial and corporate communications as well as reporting, crisis communications, corporate actions and sustainability.

2009 to 2019 Kirchhoff Consult, first in Munich, then in Hamburg.

2005 to 2009 Head of Investor Relations and Public Relations at the financial services provider Lloyd Fonds AG.

2000 to 2005 worked for Kirchhoff Consult in the area of reporting/publishing.

Studies in economics and doctorate

Michael Knecht, Director Investor Relations

Communication is an endurance sport – the goal is not the short-term storm in a teacup, but the establishment of a long-term reputation."

Since the year 2000, Michael Knecht has been advising and supporting publicly traded and privately held small to medium-sized enterprises, including MDAX and DAX companies, on matters related to financial communication and investor relations. Since October 2023, he has served as the Director of Investor Relations at CROSS ALLIANCE. His wealth of experience spans daily investor relations activities, initial public offerings (IPOs), bond issuances, compensation reports, reporting, and shareholder magazines.

Since 2023 Director Investor Relations at CROSS ALLIANCE
2012 until 2023 Senior Consultant Investor Relations at Instinctif Germany,
2011/2012 Senior Consultant at Haubrok Investor Relations
2007 bis 2011 Senior Consultant at Ascendo Management
2000 bis 2007 various consulting positions at Buchanan Capital Group
Diploma in Economics / LMU Munich

Markus Horntrich, Senior Consultant

"My maxim to ensure optimum performance on all your communications issues: Get up early, give it your all and work hard."

Markus Horntrich is a stock market enthusiast and, as a former editor-in-chief, has extensive experience in financial journalism and a broad network, which he uses as a basis for all aspects of PR/IR communication.

Economics graduate
Self-employed PR/IR consultant and Senior Consultant at CROSS ALLIANCE
19 years at investor magazine DER AKTIONÄR
8 years as editor-in-chief at DER AKTIONÄR

Michael Lang, Partner

"As a former editor-in-chief and full-blooded journalist, a matter particularly close to my heart is ensuring that our clients get noticed in just the right way in the media."

As an experienced business journalist, Michael Lang uses his extensive network in the financial community to give clients the best media relations.

Partner at CROSS ALLIANCE since 2013
Self-employed professional in investor relations since 2010
Head of IR at IBS AG (Prime Standard) for four years
Ten years as a member of the editorial team of financial magazine DER AKTIONÄR (“2010 award for investor magazine of the year”), acting as editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief, in both positions for three years
15 years of experience in financial journalism
Degree in Business Mathematics, Bayreuth University

Susan Hoffmeister, Managing Director

"I support every company with communication just as I do my own. That's my biggest motivation."

Managing Director Susan Hoffmeister supports listed companies with their investor relations and ESG.

Founder & Managing Director of CROSS ALLIANCE communication GmbH
Degree in Business Administration, BA in Finance & Accounting, MBA
Self-employed entrepreneur in investor relations since 2006
Deutsche Börse qualified Supervisory Board member since 2017
Member of the Supervisory Board of LEHNER INVESTMENTS AG
Head of Corporate Communications at Siemens London for five years
Head of IR at various listed companies in the software and IT industry for six years
Extensive IPO experience

Sara Pinto, Head of ESG & Director CROSS ALLIANCE / Managing Director ESG ALLIANCE

"My motto is 'Create value through communication'. My international professional background helps me to achieve this. I work with clients to get them the best results."

As ESG analyst and investor relations expert and member of the Cross Alliance team, Sara Pinto places particular emphasis on providing her clients with in-depth consultations and on strategic communication. Her specialist area is sustainability.

Head of ESG and Director, since 2019 Consultant at CROSS ALLIANCE
EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst / MA in Business Administration & Management
Five years as Market Research Manager at FOCUS-MONEY
Extensive experience in B2B sales
Expert in CSR and ESG – contact person for sustainability strategy development, implementation of ESG criteria in corporate communications, and sustainability reporting
Language proficiency: Italian (mother tongue), German, English, Spanish

Sven Pauly, Managing Partner

"I develop innovative concepts for our clients, which actively contributes to their success."

With many years of experience in TV news production, Sven Pauly specializes in reporting, rule communication of listed companies as well as in the areas of equity/debt investor relations and dual/multiple listings.

Head of Financial Reporting and Director, with CROSS ALLIANCE since 2016.
MA in Corporate Communications/PR
Consultant for investor relations and corporate communications
Extensive experience in capital market consultation
Has held roles in designated sponsoring and public affairs
Over ten years of experience in TV news production